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JavaScript: End of the Chain

Since coming to Hacker School I’ve learned JavaScript. One of the first things you’re told about the language is that it uses prototypal inheritance, which is actually a lot simpler than classical inheritance and is pretty easily understood through a few examples. This made sense to me, but I was never quite clear on exactly how the prototype chain bottomed out. I rooted around the Chrome REPL and the blogosphere for a while trying to find a good answer and came up short. Eventually I ended up digging into the spec (a surprisingly readable document) in order to figure it out. What I learned was either maddening or enlightening or perhaps both. Before jumping into it, let’s review basic prototypal inheritance. Imagine we have a constructor function for a Person, which has on its protoype a sayName method:

var Person = function(name,age) {
  this.name = name;
  this.age = age;

Person.prototype.sayName = function () {
  console.log("Hi, I'm " + this.name + "!");

Any new objects created with Person as their constructor will have access to the sayName method via the prototype chain. To see this, let’s create a sample person.

> var james = new Person("James",21);
> james.sayName();
"Hi, I'm James!"

OK, what actually happened there? When we say var james = new Person("James",21), we create a new object, james. The Person function is then run with james as its context (so this refers to james), and Person.prototype is assigned to james.__proto__. This last bit is what’s critical for understanding the prototype chain and how property lookup works. Every object has a __proto__1, which can be thought of as a pointer to the prototype of the object’s constructor. When the JavaScript runtime goes to do a property lookup, it first checks if the object itself has a property with the requested name. If the property is not found, whatever is pointed to by the object’s __proto__ is checked for the property. If it’s still not found there, the process repeats (i.e. object.__proto__.__proto__ is checked), and again, and again, until the prototype chain bottoms out. In our example above, the process can be visualized as something like the following:

prototype chain example

First, james itself is checked for a property sayName. No such property is found, so james.__proto__ (i.e. Person.prototype) is checked. At this point, sayName is found and the lookup is done. But what about when the property isn’t found on Person.prototype? What happens when a lookup fails? Something like:

> james.nope

It’s clear that Person.prototype.__proto__ will be checked, but what does Person.prototype.__proto__ point to? These questions bothered me even after I understood the gist of prototypal inheritance. I fooled around in the Chrome REPL for a while trying to figure it out, playing with Function, Object, etc. Eventually I discovered the following:

> Function instanceof Object
> Object instanceof Function
> Function instanceof Function
> Object instanceof Function

Wat. This made just about zero sense. I was quite confused and so I spent a morning digging through the spec and figuring out what was what. Let’s walk through what I learned with the goal of understanding two things:

  1. What exactly is happening when we ask for james.nope and get back undefined?
  2. How are Object and Function instances of themselves and each other?

First we need to talk about what Function and Object actually are. The spec says:

15.2.2 The Object Constructor

When Object is called as part of a new expression, it is a constructor that may create an object.

As well as:

The production ObjectLiteral : { } is evaluated as follows:

  1. Return a new object created as if by the expression new Object() where Object is the standard builtin constructor with that name.

Aha, so Object is the object constructor. It is a function that is implicitly invoked when a new object literal is created. The spec says something similar about Function. It is the function constructor, and is implcitly invoked when a new function is created. What else can we learn about these things? Object.prototype

The initial value of Object.prototype is the standard built-in Object prototype object (15.2.4).

Additionally: Function.prototype

The initial value of Function.prototype is the standard built-in Function prototype object (15.3.4).

OK, now we’re getting somewhere. Let’s make a chart to keep track of this stuff:

prototype chart 1

Function and Object are the constructors for functions and objects respectively, and they each have a prototype, which is sort of a weird hidden object that’s not accessible except through these constructors. “standard built-in Function prototype object” and “standard built-in Object prototype object” are a bit of a mouthful so I’ll just refer to these as the “ur-function” and the “ur-object” from here on out.

Now we’re going to read through the spec to fill in the blanks on this chart and then use it to answer the two questions we posed above.

First let’s look at the ur-object. Again quoting from the spec:

15.2.4 Properties of the Object Prototype Object

The value of the [[Prototype]] internal property of the Object prototype object is null . . .

Wait, what’s “the [[Prototype]] internal property”? It turns out that this is just the “pointer” that the runtime uses to walk up the prototype chain during property lookup; the thing that some implementers have chosen to expose as __proto__. Knowing this, we can fill in another part of our chart:

prototype chart 2

Aha! This is where the prototype chain bottoms out! Everytime the runtime fails to find a property, its because it eventually got all the way to looking at Object.prototype.__proto__, which is null. We still need to figure out how the lookup gets here though. Let’s keep filling in our chart. We know what Function.prototype and Object.prototype are, but what about Function.__proto__ and Object.__proto__? Any guesses? Here’s the spec:

15.2.3 Properties of the Object Constructor

The value of the [[Prototype]] internal property of the Object constructor is the standard built-in Function prototype object.


15.3.3 Properties of the Function Constructor

. . . The value of the [[Prototype]] internal property of the Function constructor is the standard built-in Function prototype object (15.3.4).

Which makes our chart look like this:


This makes sense: Function and Object are both constructor functions, so their prototypes are the ur-function. But notice that there’s something weird going on here:

> Function.prototype === Function.__proto__

WTF?! Yes, this is true, go try it yourself. This also makes sense in a perverse sort of way. Function is the constructor function for all functions, so its the only thing that is its own constructor, which is what Functon.prototype === Function.__proto__ means, afterall2.

We’re getting closer to understanding, but there’s a few more things to fill in. We still don’t know what the ur-function’s __proto__ is; let’s check the spec:

The value of the [[Prototype]] internal property of the Function prototype object is the standard built-in Object prototype object (15.2.4).

This leaves only the prototypes of the ur-function and ur-object undefined. It turns out the spec has nothing to say about these, so they are just that: undefined. This completes our chart:


Phew, that was exhausting. OK, now let’s use this chart to figure out how the prototype chain bottoms out by revisiting our initial example of a Person. What’s actually happening when we ask for james.nope and get back undefined? First we check if james has a nope property. Nope. Then we look at james.__proto__, which is Person.prototype. Nope. Now we look as james.__proto__.__proto__, which is Person.prototype.__proto__. Person.prototype is just an object like any other. It was constructed by the object constructor, so its prototype is Object.prototype, the ur-object. Let’s be sure this is the case:

> james.__proto__.__proto__ === Object.prototype

Cool. Object.prototype doesn’t have a nope property, so we move on to look at james.__proto__.__proto__.__proto__, which is the ur-object’s __proto__, which is null. Here the chain bottoms out and we return undefined.

If the above accurately describes what happens, we should be able to prevent the bottom out by assigning to Object.prototype (the ur-object).

> Object.prototype.yep = "Here I am!"
> james.yep
"Me too!"


OK, so now we understand how property lookup bottoms out, but what about our other goal? Wherefore this madness?:

> Function instanceof Object
> Object instanceof Function
> Function instanceof Function
> Object instanceof Function

First let’s be sure we understand exactly what instanceof does. According to MDN:

The instanceof operator tests whether an object has in its prototype chain the prototype property of a constructor.

OK, got it. Now let’s look at each of the four cases above in turn.

First Function instanceof Object. I’ve highlighted Function’s prototype chain in orange and Object’s prototype property in blue:

Function instanceof Object

We see that the Function’s prototype chain terminates with Object.prototype, which causes Function instanceof Object to be true. This makes sense, since JavaScript functions are objects (they can have properties assigned to them, etc.).

Now let’s look at a similar diagram for Object instanceof Function:

Object instanceof Function

Object.__proto__ is the ur-function, Function.prototype, which means Object instanceof Function is true. This makes sense too, since Object is a function, namely the constructor function for objects.

Similar logic applies to Function instanceof Function:

Function instance of Function

This leaves us with Object instanceof Object:

Object instance of Object

Object is a constructor function, and all functions are objects, hence Object instanceof Function is true.

So there you have it: a bunch of decisions that seem to make sense when considered individually lead to behaviors that are bizarre and confusing without careful examination. Hopefully this exploration helped you better understand how prototypes, property lookup, and object construction work, it certainly helped me.

Postscript: The content of this post was distilled from a presentation I gave at Hacker School which I jokingly titled WAT II: Revenge of JavaScript in homage to Gary Bernhardt’s WAT talk. If you find this sort of spelunking interesting, you should consider applying.

Addendum (April 10th, 2015): Note that the organization formerly known as Hacker School is now called the Recurse Center.

  1. Note that __proto__ is not part of the spec. The spec refers to an “internal [[Prototype]] property”, which some implementers have chosen to expose via __proto__ because it useful for learning and debugging. I use it here because the latest versions of all the major web browsers and node have adopted this convention, but be aware that __proto__ is not in any way portable or to be relied upon in real code. ↩︎

  2. i.e. x is y’s constructor if y.__proto__ === x.prototype, since one of the things that happens during construction is that the new object’s __proto__ is set to its constructors prototype↩︎